Please take a few minutes to read through this section to understand the legal rights and obligations involved in submitting an idea through our Website. If you have any concerns regarding your legal rights, we encourage you to seek the advice of a patent attorney prior to submitting your idea. Please note that a patented idea interests MD Start as much as a non-patented idea. Therefore you may wish to file a patent application prior to disclosing any information to MD Start to further protect your idea.
MD Start expects the information provided by you on this page to be of a non-confidential nature. Accordingly, you recognize that MD Start has no obligation to keep your initial disclosure confidential (except with regard to your personal data, which MD Start shall treat and protect as described in the MD Start Privacy Policy) and MD Start may freely use whatever information you disclose unless you separately obtain a patent. For this reason, we have limited the information we are asking you to provide in this non-confidential disclosure form. For instance you do not need to provide a detailed description of the idea, just enough for us to understand the application and the benefit for the medical community. Any discussions intended to be protected by confidentiality require the prior signature of a confidentiality agreement and a formal disclosure of your invention to MD Start. If you wish to proceed to a formal disclosure, please contact us through the general inquiry form and we will contact you to discuss your specific case.
Medtronic and MD Start are separate legal entities and operate independently. MD Start makes no representation on behalf of Medtronic. Any relationship between you and Medtronic will be subject to their terms and policies.
MD Start is under no obligation to use or commercialize ideas submitted from outside the company. Further, by receiving and evaluating your idea, MD Start is not representing or in any way implying that your idea will be pursued further by MD Start nor its trusted partners.
You are free to submit your idea to other parties. However, we request that you do not disclose that MD Start is reviewing your idea. We further request that you maintain all communications with MD Start confidential.
On this website, the name MD Start refers to Sofinnova MD Start III which is a French FPCI fund.